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worksheets for designing a cut flower garden surrounded by cut peonies scissors a pen and seed packets

How to Design a Cut Flower Garden from Scratch

Since we moved to our single wide trailer on the farm, I have no flower gardens to sink my hands into.  Follow me as I journey through how to design a cut flower garden from scratch, easy enough for a garden beginner and beautiful enough for a seasoned flower gardening pro to enjoy.

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Our Vintage Bungalow

Howdy! I’m Tammy, and I’ve lived most of my life stretching a low decorating budget through garage sales and DIY renovation.

I am going to give you quick and easy tips on the beauty of reusing older items instead of spending tons of money on new. I’ll show you how I add vintage style that makes a your house feel like a cozy home (even with young kids, a practical husband and a big dog in tow). 

Read more about our journey HERE

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