It’s time to create a life that saves money and values used items with savvy garage saling, small house living and DIY remodeling.
Whether you live in an apartment, mobile home, new build or century old farmhouse.
Even with young kids in tow.
Follow our journey of three home remodels for inspiration.
As I share decades of garage sale experience. You can save thousands of dollars on vintage home decor, kids’ clothing and everyday essentials.
AND hold successful garage sales that are worth your time.
Let’s make this fun!
My name is Tammy King, and I will help you create a relaxing and beautiful home while saving money…a home that makes you smile, not sigh as you see yet another frame with no family photo in it. (Can’t we just adopt that stock photo family as our own and call it good enough???)
I am a mama of two, wife of the most faaabulous guy and vintage connoisseur since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. I prefer wearing one of Caleb’s flannel shirts but do like to get all gussied up once in a while.
Let’s learn to reuse older items instead of consuming all new stuff. Through garage sales and DIY home remodeling we can make a memorable home (not despite having kids but BECAUSE of them) and embrace this lovely vintage lifestyle.
You ARE the type of person that can have a beauty-filled home with just the right amount of vintage.
Get access to our FREE Member’s Resource Library for antique postcards and artwork printables, garage sale resources, remodeling worksheets and more!
You CAN give new life to the old while living in a modern world, girl!