How to Decorate Your House – Finding Time

I felt frivolous for caring what my home looked like. Really, what did it matter??? But EVERY TIME I passed by that empty photo frame or bare shelf, I felt like crap about myself. How was I supposed to decorate my house?!

And then I realized, creating a beautiful home is not frivolous.  It is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.  My home was supposed to recharge me so I can tackle life.  But it was sapping my strength.  I needed it to be a haven. I needed to know how to find the time to decorate my house.

I am not here to make you feel bad about yourself or your home.  In fact, I’m here to do just the opposite. I want to:

  • Give you CONFIDENCE and JOY with your surroundings
  • Help you breathe life into your home so you feel PEACE and COMFORT
  • Take away your discontent & overwhelm and give you the decorating TOOLS to SUCCEED

Here’s the path I’ve found helpful on how to decorate my house, and more specifically, how to find time to decorate my home.  This has helped me in my journey.  I hope it helps you.


  1. WRITE out the goal for your home – 3 – 4 ideas for each of the following:

– WHAT do you want it to be use for (ie haven for family, place to invite friends, fun zone for your kids).  Make this personal.  There’s no right or wrong thing.

– HOW you want your home to feel (ie peaceful, energetic, comfortable)

– WHY will decorations make your home feel better to you?  (ie I will smile each time I pass that special photo instead of cringing that it’s still on the computer OR I won’t feel frustrated that that shelf is bare each time I look at it OR I really love plants, and now I have some successfully growing)


  1. Pick ONE SMALL spot to start

If you’re like me, there’s 563 projects I want to do in my home.  It’s overwhelming, and overwhelm cripples me from taking action.  Pick one thing, one wall, one shelf, one _______ that bugs you and work on it.  Make it small and then grow bigger.  Small wins will motivate you to keep going.  Not two things. ONE.


  1. Plan a consistent TIME

This will be very personal.  What is a weekly time that you can work (mostly) uninterrupted for 1 – 2 hours? (Or even 30 minutes!)  This is the home décor time.  If you block a time that you can consistently keep, then you don’t have to think about weekly planning.  And even though 1 – 2 hours isn’t much, it really adds up over time! (ie Saturday morning, Sunday afternoon, Thursday evening after the kids are in bed)


  1. Make it FUN

You can power through something for a couple weeks, even a month, but if you don’t enjoy it, you won’t stay with it.  Pour yourself a favorite drink, put on some relaxing music, get out a special memento to decorate with, have a friend over for a girl time (and extra set of hands).


Decorating your house is very personal and rewarding, but like anything else, it takes practice!  Don’t give up.  Tell me in the comments what has helped YOU find time to decorate your home.


Our Vintage Bungalow

Howdy! I’m Tammy, and I’ve lived most of my life stretching a low decorating budget through garage sales and DIY renovation.

I am going to give you quick and easy tips on the beauty of reusing older items instead of spending tons of money on new. I’ll show you how I add vintage style that makes a your house feel like a cozy home (even with young kids, a practical husband and a big dog in tow). 

Read more about our journey HERE

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