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fresh cucumber and other veggies displayed on a kitchen counter with cutting board and mixing bowl

Pros and Cons of Painting Kitchen Laminate Countertops

You’ve been living with dated or damaged laminate kitchen countertops, but beautiful countertop replacements are just not in the budget right now. After painting the original counters in our 1979 mobile home and living with them for almost two years, here are my pros and cons of painting kitchen laminate countertops. (Psssst, I would do it again in a heartbeat. Read more to find out why and painting tips.)

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plastic tubs of organized childrens clothing displaying on folding tables during a garage sale

30 Everyday Items I Buy at Garage Sales and the Actual Savings

Shopping garage sales might seem like a good idea, but after the time and gas spent running around, does it really save you money? I am going to tell you 30 everyday items I buy at garage sales and the actual savings from buying used items. (Hint: I literally save thousands of dollars on everyday items we need!)

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garage sale sign and orange construction cone on the roadside

(2024) Longest Highway Garage Sales: Complete List by State

It’s garage sale season, and you might be dreaming about a trek to one of the largest garage sales in the United States. Commonly known as “highway sales,” these are events that coordinate towns along hundreds of miles route to hold garage sales and flea markets just in a few days. Talk about garage saling delight! Here is a current list of (2023) longest highway garage sales in the United States so that you can plan your next ultimate girls’ trip weekend.

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assorted childrens shoes lined up on a table during a garage sale

Garage Sale Tips for Organizing Kid and Baby Clothes

You are overrun with clothes your kids have outgrown, many of them you bought new! It’s time to clear out the clutter, hold a garage sale and make some cash. But the thought of all those tiny shoes, onesies, socks and outfits make you shudder. You need some successful garage sale organization display ideas! Here are 25 garage sale tips for organizing kid and baby clothes that have helped our multi-family sale make over $3,000 on a regular basis.

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woman looking through hanging childrens clothing at a garage sale

34 Best Garage Sale Shopping Tips for Beginners

You’ve heard about the great deals to be found at garage sales and want to try it. But you’re nervous because this is all new (and to be honest, a little strange) to you. When and where should you go? And how do you find those great deals? Here are my 34 best garage sale shopping tips for beginners to get your started and help you feel confident.

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an array of green seedlings arranged in pots and containers

How to Sell Plants at a Garage Sale (Easy Tips)

Have you ever thought of selling plants at your garage sale? Don’t assume yard sales are just for outgrown kids clothing and unused kitchen gadgets. If you have a green thumb or excess perennials in your yard, selling plants from home can certainly make you extra cash. I will tell you easy tips on how to sell plants at a garage sale.

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human hand with writing pen making notes on a paper calendar

Most Successful Garage Sale Hours, Days and Months

There’s no getting around it – successful garage sales are a lot of work. Having regularly pocketed over $1,000 at all of my sales, I find the work worth it. But there is an important key factor: you must carefully choose the most successful garage sale hours, days and months. And I’m here to tell you how.

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Our Vintage Bungalow

Howdy! I’m Tammy, and I’ve lived most of my life stretching a low decorating budget through garage sales and DIY renovation.

I am going to give you quick and easy tips on the beauty of reusing older items instead of spending tons of money on new. I’ll show you how I add vintage style that makes a your house feel like a cozy home (even with young kids, a practical husband and a big dog in tow). 

Read more about our journey HERE

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