100 Inspirational Fall Poems and Quotes

Fall is near. It is time to curl up with a cozy blanket, light a candle, drink a mug of coffee and read these 100 inspirational fall poems and quotes.

What is a Vintage Lifestyle?

Our Vintage Bungalow is all about embracing a vintage lifestyle. What is that you ask? Well, it can mean different things to different people. To me, a vintage lifestyle is

  • Having a full life but not a “busy” life
  • Taking time to slow down
  • Enjoying simple pleasures and entertainment
  • Remembering times past
  • Appreciating the story of something old

Here are 100 inspirational fall quotes and poems to give you a moment to reflect and enjoy a moment of simple pleasures. Grab your favorite hot drink, find a quiet spot and let’s begin!

1.“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” ― L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

2.  “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” ― Albert Camus

3. Autumn Song

Know’st thou not at the fall of the leaf

How the heart feels a languid grief

Laid on it for a covering,

And how sleep seems a goodly thing

In Autumn at the fall of the leaf?


And how the swift beat of the brain

Falters because it is in vain,

In Autumn at the fall of the leaf

Knowest thou not? and how the chief

Of joys seems—not to suffer pain?


Know’st thou not at the fall of the leaf

How the soul feels like a dried sheaf

Bound up at length for harvesting,

And how death seems a comely thing

In Autumn at the fall of the leaf?

― Dante Gabriel Rossetti

4. “I would rather sit on a pumpkin, and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.” ― Henry David Thoreau

5. “Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.”  –Lauren DeStefano, Wither

6. Neighbors in October

All afternoon his tractor pulls a flat wagon

with bales to the barn, then back to the waiting

chopped field. It trails a feather of smoke.

Down the block we bend with the season:

shoes to polish for a big game,

storm windows to batten or patch.

And how like a field is the whole sky now

that the maples have shed their leaves, too.

It makes us believers—stationed in groups,

leaning on rakes, looking into space. We rub blisters

over billows of leaf smoke. Or stand alone,

bagging gold for the cold days to come.

―David Baker

7. “Don’t you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address.” ― Nora Ephron

 8. “October, baptize me with leaves! Swaddle me in corduroy and nurse me with split pea soup. October, tuck tiny candy bars in my pockets and carve my smile into a thousand pumpkins. O autumn! O teakettle! O grace!” ― Rainbow Rowell, Attachments

9. “Autumn…the year’s last, loveliest smile.” ― John Howard Bryant

10. “But when fall comes, kicking summer out on its treacherous ass as it always does one day sometime after the midpoint of September, it stays awhile like an old friend that you have missed. It settles in the way an old friend will settle into your favorite chair and take out his pipe and light it and then fill the afternoon with stories of places he has been and things he has done since last he saw you.” ― Stephen King, Salem’s Lot

11. Fall, Leaves, Fall

Fall, leaves, fall; die, flowers, away;

Lengthen night and shorten day;

Every leaf speaks bliss to me

Fluttering from the autumn tree.

I shall smile when wreaths of snow

Blossom where the rose should grow;

I shall sing when night’s decay

Ushers in a drearier day.

― Emily Bronte 

12. For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1, The Bible – ESV

13. “I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house.” ― Nathaniel Hawthorne, The American Notebooks

14. Sonnet 73

That time of year thou mayst in me behold

When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang

Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,

Bare ruin’d choirs where late the sweet birds sang.

In me thou seest the twilight of such day

As after sunset fadeth in the west,

Which by and by black night doth take away,

Death’s second self, that seals up all in rest.

In me thou seest the glowing of such fire

That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,

As the death-bed whereon it must expire,

Consum’d by that which it was nourished by.

This thou perceiv’st which makes thy love more strong,

To love that well which thou must leave ere long.

―William Shakespeare

15. “And all at once, summer collapsed into fall.” ― Oscar Wilde

16. “Is this not a true autumn day? Just the still melancholy that I love – that makes life and nature harmonize.” ― George Eliot

17. Autumn Fires

In the other gardens

  And all up in the vale,

From the autumn bonfires

  See the smoke trail!


Pleasant summer over, 

  And all the summer flowers,

The red fire blazes,

  The grey smoke towers.


Sing a song of seasons!

  Something bright in all!

Flowers in the summer,

  Fires in the fall! 

―Robert Louis Stevenson

18. “Autumn leaves don’t fall, they fly. They take their time and wander on this their only chance to soar.” ― Delia Owens, Where the Crawdads Sing

19. “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.” ―Isaiah 40:8, The Bible – ESV

20. “Her pleasure in the walk must arise from the exercise and the day, from the view of the last smiles of the year upon the tawny leaves and withered hedges, and from repeating to herself some few of the thousand poetical descriptions extant of autumn–that season of peculiar and inexhaustible influence on the mind of taste and tenderness–that season which has drawn from every poet worthy of being read some attempt at description, or some lines of feeling.” ― Jane Austen, Persuasion

21. “Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons.” ― Jim Bishop

22. November

Now chill & grey November

Come slowly o’er the plain,

Drearily the winter wind

Sings songs of future pain.


Wrapped closely in deep grey,

She scarcely will let pass

A little ray of sun

To cheer the sodden grass.


She scatters with her hand

The leaves dried up and brown,

The few that yet remain

From gay October’s crown.


Her eyes and dark and sad,

Sad for the dying year,

And often in the mist

There falls a silent tear.


Beneath a cheerless sky

The trees are standing bare,

The fog has risen thick

And she is no more there.”

―Beatrice Crane

23. “Autumn mornings: sunshine and crisp air, birds and calmness, year’s end and day’s beginnings. ―Terri Guillemets

24. “And all the lives we ever lived and all the lives to be are full of trees and changing leaves…” ―Virginia Woolf

25. “It was a beautiful, bright autumn day, with air like cider and a sky so blue you could drown in it.” ― Diana Gabaldon, Outlander

26. For the Chipmunk in My Yard

I think he knows I’m alive, having come down

The three steps of the back porch

And given me a good once over. All afternoon

He’s been moving back and forth,

Gathering odd bits of walnut shells and twigs,

While all about him the great fields tumble

To the blades of the thresher. He’s lucky

To be where he is, wild with all that happens.

He’s lucky he’s not one of the shadows

Living in the blond heart of the wheat.

This autumn when trees bolt, dark with the fires

Of starlight, he’ll curl among their roots,

Wanting nothing but the slow burn of matter

On which he fastens like a small, brown flame.

―Robert Gibb

27. “Fall colors are funny. They’re so bright and intense and beautiful. It’s like nature is trying to fill you up with color, to saturate you so you can stockpile it before winter turns everything muted and dreary.” ― Siobhan Vivian, Same Difference

28. “Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.” ―George Eliot

29. “The perfect weather of Indian Summer lengthened and lingered, warm sunny days were followed by brisk nights with Halloween a presentiment in the air.” ― Wallace Stegner, Remembering Laughter

30. The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;


Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same,


And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.


I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

― Robert Frost

31. “I loved Autumn, the one season of the year that God seemed to have put there just for the beauty of it.” ― Lee Maynard

32. The Complete Poems of Anna Akhmatova

“Let whoever wants to, relax in the south,

And bask in the garden of paradise.

Here is the essence of northland it’s autumn

I’ve chosen as this year’s friend.”

― Anna Akhmatova

33. “The smell of burning firewood and the molding of organic, earthy substances reminded her of jumping wildly into the enormous leaf piles of autumns past and she suddenly wished that it was appropriate for someone her age to do such a thing.” ― Abby Slovin, Letters in Cardboard Boxes

34. Halloween Party

 We’re having a Halloween party at school.

I’m dressed up like Dracula. Man, I look cool!

I dyed my hair black, and I cut off my bangs.

I’m wearing a cape and some fake plastic fangs.


I put on some makeup to paint my face white,

like creatures that only come out in the night.

My fingernails, too, are all pointed and red.

I look like I’m recently back from the dead.


My mom drops me off, and I run into school

and suddenly feel like the world’s biggest fool.

The other kids stare like I’m some kind of freak—

the Halloween party is not till next week.

―Kenn Nesbitt 

35. “When the autumn meets the tranquility, there you can see the King of the Sceneries!” ― Mehmet Murat Ildan

36. “It rained in Hampshire yesterday, a soft autumn storm that brought down hardly any leaves. The dahlias are no longer in stem, and frost has withered the chrysanthemums, but the air smells divine, like old leaves and wet bark, and ripe apples. Have you ever noticed that each month has its own smell? May and October are the nicest-smelling months, in my opinion.” ― Lisa Kleypas, Love in the Afternoon

37. “Go, sit upon the lofty hill, And turn your eyes around, Where waving woods and waters wild Do hymn an autumn sound. The summer sun is faint on them— The summer flowers depart— Sit still— as all transform’d to stone, Except your musing heart.” ― Elizabeth Barrett Browning, The Autumn

38. “Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” ―Matthew 9:37-38, The Bible – ESV

39. When the Frost is on the Punkin

When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder’s in the shock,

And you hear the kyouck and gobble of the struttin’ turkey-cock,

And the clackin’ of the guineys, and the cluckin’ of the hens,

And the rooster’s hallylooyer as he tiptoes on the fence;

O, it’s then’s the times a feller is a-feelin’ at his best,

With the risin’ sun to greet him from a night of peaceful rest,

As he leaves the house, bareheaded, and goes out to feed the stock,

When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder’s in the shock.


They’s something kindo’ harty-like about the atmusfere

When the heat of summer’s over and the coolin’ fall is here—

Of course we miss the flowers, and the blossums on the trees,

And the mumble of the hummin’-birds and buzzin’ of the bees;

But the air’s so appetizin’; and the landscape through the haze

Of a crisp and sunny morning of the airly autumn days

Is a pictur’ that no painter has the colorin’ to mock—

When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder’s in the shock.


The husky, rusty russel of the tossels of the corn,

And the raspin’ of the tangled leaves, as golden as the morn;

The stubble in the furries—kindo’ lonesome-like, but still

A-preachin’ sermuns to us of the barns they growed to fill;

The strawstack in the medder, and the reaper in the shed;

The hosses in theyr stalls below—the clover over-head!—

O, it sets my hart a-clickin’ like the tickin’ of a clock,

When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder’s in the shock!


Then your apples all is gethered, and the ones a feller keeps

Is poured around the celler-floor in red and yeller heaps;

And your cider-makin’ ’s over, and your wimmern-folks is through

With their mince and apple-butter, and theyr souse and saussage, too! …

I don’t know how to tell it—but ef sich a thing could be

As the Angels wantin’ boardin’, and they’d call around on me—

I’d want to ’commodate ’em—all the whole-indurin’ flock—

When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder’s in the shock!

―James Whitcomb Riley 

40. “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” –Galatians 6:9, The Bible – ESV

41. Spoon River Anthology

“Do the boys and girls still go to Siever’s

For Cider, after school, in late September?

or gather hazel nuts among the thickets

On Aaron Hatfield’s farm when the forsts begin?

For many times with the laughing girls and boys

Played I along the road and over the hills

When the sun was low and the air was ool

Stopping to club the walnuts tree

Standing leafless against a flaming west.

Now, the smell of the autumn smoke,

And the dropping acorns,

And the echoes about the vales

Bring reams of life. They hover over me.”

― Edgar Lee Masters

42. The Empty House

See this house, how dark it is

Beneath its vast-boughed trees!

Not one trembling leaflet cries

To that Watcher in the skies—

‘Remove, remove thy searching gaze,

Innocent of heaven’s ways,

Brood not, Moon, so wildly bright,

On secrets hidden from sight.’


‘Secrets,’ sighs the night-wind,

‘Vacancy is all I find;

Every keyhole I have made

Wails a summons, faint and sad,

No voice ever answers me,

Only vacancy.’

‘Once, once … ’ the cricket shrills,

And far and near the quiet fills

With its tiny voice, and then

Hush falls again.


Mute shadows creeping slow

Mark how the hours go.

Every stone is mouldering slow.

And the least winds that blow

Some minutest atom shake,

Some fretting ruin make

In roof and walls. How black it is

Beneath these thick boughed trees!

―Walter de La Mare

43. “I hope I can be the autumn leaf, who looked at the sky and lived. And when it was time to leave, gracefully it knew life was a gift.” – Dodinsky

44. “It was a time of hope – a time to shine. The best moment of my life awaited me, with the most loved person calling me to meet her. It was spring in November – it was a blossom in desolation. It was the month of my exams – and exams led to glory. It was the last few days with the best of friends before departing to chase our own dreams. It was the season of jackets and sweaters. And those meant warmth and protection and love. And I stood, with an evening of November promising to be something truly special.” ― Tshetrim Tharchen, A Play of the Cosmos: Script of the Stars

45. “[T]hat old September feeling, left over from school days, of summer passing, vacation nearly done, obligations gathering, books and football in the air … Another fall, another turned page: there was something of jubilee in that annual autumnal beginning, as if last year’s mistakes had been wiped clean by summer.” — Wallace Stegner 

46. Theme in Yellow

I spot the hills

With yellow balls in autumn.

I light the prairie cornfields

Orange and tawny gold clusters

And I am called pumpkins.

On the last of October

When dusk is fallen

Children join hands

And circle round me

Singing ghost songs

And love to the harvest moon;

I am a jack-o’-lantern

With terrible teeth

And the children know

I am fooling.

—Carl Sandburg

47. “There is something so special in the early leaves drifting from the trees–as if we are all to be allowed a chance to peel, to refresh, to start again.” Ruth Ahmed

48. “So along the road those flowers spread that, when touched, give down a shower of autumn rust. By every path it looks as if a ruined circus had passed and loosed a trail of ancient iron at every turning of a wheel. The rust was laid out everywhere, strewn under trees and by riverbanks and near the tracks themselves where once a locomotive had gone but went no more. So flowered flakes and railroad track together turned to moulderings upon the rim of autumn.” ― Ray Bradbury, Farewell Summer

49. “There was a filmy veil of soft dull mist obscuring, but not hiding, all objects, giving them a lilac hue, for the sun had not yet fully set; a robin was singing … The leaves were more gorgeous than ever; the first touch of frost would lay them all low to the ground. Already one or two kept constantly floating down, amber and golden in the low slanting sun-rays.” ― Elizabeth Gaskell, North and South

50. Digging

“To-day I think

Only with scents, – scents dead leaves yield,

And bracken, and wild carrot’s seed,

And the square mustard field;


Odours that rise

When the spade wounds the root of tree,

Rose, currant, raspberry, or goutweed,

Rhubarb or celery;


The smoke’s smell, too,

Flowing from where a bonfire burns

The dead, the waste, the dangerous,

And all to sweetness turns.


It is enough

To smell, to crumble the dark earth,

While the robin sings over again

Sad songs of Autumn mirth.”

―Edward Thomas

51. “He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.” –2 Corinthians 9:10, The Bible – ESV

52. A Reminiscence      

Held in a late season

At a shifting of worlds,

In the golden balance of autumn,

Out of love and reason


We made our peace;

Stood still in October

In the failing light and sought,

Each in the other, ease


And release from silence,

From the slow damnation

Of speech that is weak

And falls from silence.


In the October sun

By the green river we spoke,

Late in October, the leaves

Of the water maples had fallen.


But whatever we said

In the bright leaves was lost,

Quick as the leaf-fall,

Brittle and blood red.

― Richard O. Moore    

53. “Spring is beautiful, and summer is perfect for vacations, but autumn brings a longing to get away from the unreal things of life, out into the forest at night with a campfire and the rustling leaves.” – Margaret Elizabeth Sangster

54. “On a bare branch a crow is perched – autumn evening” ― Bashō

55. “And the yellow sunflower by the brook, in autumn beauty stood.” ― William Cullen Bryant

56. Autumn

A touch of cold in the Autumn night—

I walked abroad,

And saw the ruddy moon lean over a hedge

Like a red-faced farmer.

I did not stop to speak, but nodded,

And round about were the wistful stars

With white faces like town children.

―T. E. Hulme

57. “The first breath of autumn was in the air, a prodigal feeling, a feeling of wanting, taking, and keeping before it is too late.” – J. L. Carr

58. “The heat of autumn is different from the heat of summer. One ripens the apples, the other turns them to cider.” – Jane Hirshfield

59. Complete Poems and Selected Letters

“Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,

Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;

Conspiring with him how to load and bless

With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;

To bend with apples the moss’d cottage-trees,

And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;

To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells

With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,

And still more, later flowers for the bees,

Until they think warm days will never cease,

For Summer has o’er-brimm’d their clammy cells.”

― John Keats

60. “We all grow tired eventually; it happens to everyone. Even the sun, at the close of the year, is no longer a morning person.” ― Joyce Rachelle

61. Falling in Love with October

Leaves descending to the ground,

Orange, magenta, green & brown

The cool crisp breezes in the air,

Autumn season must be here

―Charmaine J. Forde 

62. September Tomatoes

The whiskey stink of rot has settled

in the garden, and a burst of fruit flies rises

when I touch the dying tomato plants.


Still, the claws of tiny yellow blossoms

flail in the air as I pull the vines up by the roots

and toss them in the compost.


It feels cruel. Something in me isn’t ready

to let go of summer so easily. To destroy

what I’ve carefully cultivated all these months.

Those pale flowers might still have time to fruit.


My great-grandmother sang with the girls of her village

as they pulled the flax. Songs so old

and so tied to the season that the very sound

seemed to turn the weather.

―Karina Borowicz

63. “Of all the seasons, autumn offers the most to man and requires the least of him.” ―Hal Borland

64. “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” ― F. Scott Fitzgerald

65. “Such days of autumnal decline hold a strange mystery which adds to the gravity of all our moods.” ― Charles Nodier, Smarra & Trilby

66. “THERE is something in the autumn that is native to my blood—

Touch of manner, hint of mood;

And my heart is like a rhyme,

With the yellow and the purple and the crimson keeping time.”

― Bliss Carman

67. “I ate breakfast in the kitchen by candle-light, and then drove the five miles to the station through the most glorious October colouring. The sun came up on the way, and the swamp maples and dogwood glowed crimson and orange and the stone walls and cornfields sparkled with hoar frost; the air was keen and clear and full of promise. I knew something was going to happen.” ― Jean Webster, Daddy-Long-Legs

68. Late October


The leaves of autumn

Sprinkle down the tinny

Sound of little dyings

And skies sated

Of ruddy sunsets

Of roseate dawns

Roil ceaselessy in

Cobweb greys and turn

To black

For comfort.


Only lovers

See the fall

A signal end to endings

A gruffish gesture alerting

Those who will not be alarmed

That we begin to stop

In order to begin


― Maya Angelou

69. “The trees are about to show us how lovely it is to let the dead things go.” – Unknown

70. “The goldenrod is yellow,

The corn is turning brown…

The trees in apple orchards

With fruit are bending down.”

― Helen Hunt Jackson

71. “Caught in the doldrums of August we may have regretted the departing summer, having sighed over the vanished strawberries and all that they signified. Now, however, we look forward almost eagerly to winter’s approach. We forget the fogs, the slush, the sore throats an the price of coal, we think only of long evenings by lamplight, of the books which we are really going to read this time, of the bright shop windows and the keen edge of the early frosts.” ― Denis Mackail, Grenery Street

72. “All at once, it seemed, the leaves of cottonwood trees around the cabin turned golden and whispered to themselves, then curled into black flutes and floated to the ground in crispy, lacy heaps.” ― Kristin Hannah, The Great Alone

73. “Trees still grow after letting dead things go.” ― Darnell Lamont Walker

74. “Autumn. It’s crispness, it’s anticipation, it’s melancholia, it’s cool breezes replacing summer’s heat. It’s long days in the field, a harvest festival when work’s done, a cheering crowd in a football stadium, chrysanthemums punctuating a somber landscape. It’s Halloween highjinx, pumpkins grinning toothy smiles, the crack of pecan pressed against pecan. It’s the first curls of woodsmoke, fresh blisters from pushing a rake. It’s crisp and fresh and mellow and snug, solemn and melancholy. And it’s very, very welcome.” ― Good Housekeeping Magazine

75. “Autumn leaves under frozen soles,

Hungry hands turning soft and old,

My hero cried as we stood out their in the cold,

Like these autumn leaves I don’t have nothing to hold

Autumn leaves how faded now,

that smile that i’ve lost, well i’ve found some how,

Because you still live on in my fathers eyes,

These autumn leaves, oh these autumn leaves, oh these autumn leaves are yours tonight.”

― Paolo Nutini

76. “For as long as she could remember, she had thought that autumn air went well with books, that the two both somehow belonged with blankets, comfortable armchairs, and big cups of coffee or tea.” ― Katarina Bivald, The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend

77. Among the Rocks

Oh, good gigantic smile o’ the brown old earth,

This autumn morning! How he sets his bones

To bask i’ the sun, and thrusts out knees and feet

For the ripple to run over in its mirth;

Listening the while, where on the heap of stones

The white breast of the sea-lark twitters sweet.


That is the doctrine, simple, ancient, true;

Such is life’s trial, as old earth smiles and knows.

If you loved only what were worth your love,

Love were clear gain, and wholly well for you:

Make the low nature better by your throes!

Give earth yourself, go up for gain above!

― Robert Browning

78. “Autumn lingered on as if fond of its own perfection.” – Winston Graham

79. “On this road

where nobody else travels

autumn nightfall.”

― Matsuo Bashō

80. “An autumn forest is such a place that once entered you never look for the exit!” ― Mehmet Murat ildan

81. “As the season changes, we learn to adapt.” ― Lailah Gifty Akita, Pearls of Wisdom: Great Mind

82. November Night


With faint dry sound,

Like steps of passing ghosts,

The leaves, frost-crisp’d, break from the trees

And fall.

―Adelaide Crapsey

83. “Then that night there was an early frost, and by Sunday morning, autumn had truly arrived. The sky was a rich cloudless blue, the air still and dry, the maple trees glowing with glorious reds and oranges and yellows, and everywhere on Gardam Street squirrels bustled about with self-importance, burying their nuts in the most unlikely places.” ― Jeanne Birdsall

84. “The damps of autumn sink into the leaves and prepare them for the necessity of their fall; and thus insensibly are we, as years close around us, detached from our tenacity of life by the gentle pressure of recorded sorrow.” ― Walter Savage Landor

85. Autumn

The leaves fall, fall as from far,

Like distant gardens withered in the heavens;

They fall with slow and lingering descent.


And in the nights the heavy Earth, too, falls

From out the stars into the Solitude.


Thus all doth fall. This hand of mine must fall

And lo! The other one: – it is the law.

But there is One who holds this falling

Infinitely softly in His hands.

― Rainer Maria Rilke

86. Autumn

The morns are meeker than they were,

The nuts are getting brown;

The berry’s cheek is plumper,

The rose is out of town.


The maple wears a gayer scarf,

The field a scarlet gown.

Les I should be old-fashioned,

I’ll put a trinket on.

― Emily Dickinson

87. My Autumn Leaves

I watch the woods for deer as if I’m armed.

I watch the woods for deer who never come.

I know the hes and shes in autumn

rendezvous in orchards stained with fallen

apples’ scent. I drive my car this way to work

so I may let the crows in corn believe

it’s me their caws are meant to warn,

and snakes who turn in warm and secret caves

they know me too. They know the boy

who lives inside me still won’t go away.

The deer are ghosts who slip between the light

through trees, so you may only hear the snap

of branches in the thicket beyond hope.

I watch the woods for deer, as if I’m armed.

―Bruce Weigl

88. “It is only the farmer who faithfully plants seeds in the Spring, who reaps a harvest in the Autumn.” ―B. C. Forbes

89. “The spring, summer, is quite a hectic time for people in their lives, but then it comes to autumn, and to winter, and you can’t but help think back to the year that was, and then hopefully looking forward to the year that is approaching.” ―Enya

90. “The autumn wind is a pirate. Blustering in from sea with a rollicking song he sweeps along swaggering boisterously. His face is weather beaten, he wears a hooded sash with a silver hat about his head… The autumn wind is a Raider, pillaging just for fun.” ―Steve Sabol

91. “There’s something to walking with autumnal thoughts through the evening fog. One likes to compose poems at a time like that.” ― Hermann Hesse, Demian: Die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs Jugend

92. “… the extraordinary autumn weather that always comes as a surprise, when the sun hangs low and gives more heat than in spring, when everything shines so brightly in the rare clear atmosphere that the eyes smart, when the lungs are strengthened and refreshed by inhaling the aromatic autumn air, when even the nights are warm, and when in those dark warm nights, golden stars startle and delight us continually by falling from the sky.” ― Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace

93. Beyond the Red River

The birds have flown their summer skies to the south,

And the flower-money is drying in the banks of bent grass

Which the bumble bee has abandoned. We wait for a winter lion,

Body of ice-crystals and sombrero of dead leaves.


A month ago, from the salt engines of the sea,

A machinery of early storms rolled toward the holiday houses

Where summer still dozed in the pool-side chairs, sipping

An aging whiskey of distances and departures.


Now the long freight of autumn goes smoking out of the land.

My possibles are all packed up, but still I do not leave.

I am happy enough here, where Dakota drifts wild in the universe,

Where the prairie is starting to shake in the surf of the winter dark.

―Thomas McGrath

94. “Autumn’s the mellow time.” ―William Allingham

95. “There is a part of me that will forever want to be walking under autumn leaves, carrying a briefcase containing the works of Shakespeare and Yeats and a portable chess set. I will pass an old tree under which once on a summer night I lay on the grass with a fragrant young woman and we quoted e.e. cummings back and forth.” ―Roger Ebert

96. “Autumn in New York, why does it seem so inviting?” ―Vernon Duke

97. “How indescribable the scent of autumn flowers was– barely a scent at all, really; just a faint, strange smell, pleasant but sad. Could a smell be sad or was it just the association with the dying summer?” ― Dodie Smith, The New Moon with the Old

98. “The leaves are changing; I feel poetry in the air.” ― Laura Jaworski

99. “Autumn had arrived—

the last blossom whispered,

let me stay awhile.”

― Meeta Ahluwalia

100. “I searched among her crayons for a color that represented autumn and pulled out an orange-toned crayon, never used. It read “Bittersweet,” and I wondered why that particular name. Autumn was my favorite time of year… I was always ready for the change. I guess some people didn’t see it that way. Some people wanted to cling to summer… I loved both seasons, but I thought no one would ever call spring bittersweet, even though it was just another change, another new cycle, an end to one season and a beginning for another in an endless, never-ending spiral.” ― Janet Rebhan, Finding Tranquility Base


Thank you for joining me in reading these 100 inspirational fall quotes and poems. May they encourage you to slow down this season and enjoy your vintage lifestyle.

Get more Fall Inspiration Below!

40 Cheap Fall Decorations You Don’t Have To Store

Fall Pumpkin and Maple Scones Recipe (Sugar Free)

Real Fall Leaf Garland Craft for Kids

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