Low Budget DIY Kitchen Remodel Before and After Tour
Our first home was a quaint little bungalow built in 1900, but the mustard yellow walls and cave-like kitchen were not so quaint. After tearing everything out, we built a dream kitchen for our little home. Here is our bungalow kitchen remodel before and after tour.
How Much Does A 10 x 10 Kitchen Remodel Cost?
So far we have remodeled two kitchens, one in our 1900 bungalow and one in our 1970s mobile home. I am going to give you real numbers and resource list to answer your number one question, how much does a 10 x 10 kitchen remodel cost?
Craftsman Bungalow Bathroom Remodel
Follow along with me today as I journey through this Craftsman bungalow bathroom remodel with before and after photos.