Estate Sale Finds | My Latest Antique Haul

vintage table covered in large collection of vintage items found at an estate sale

Estate sales this summer have been slim pickin’s as my grandma would say. So when I saw the ad for a century old house full of antique treasures that started within the hour, I jumped in my car and headed out. I’m excited to share all the estate sale finds and my latest antique haul at this one sale!

How to Shop Garage Sales with Kids

a mother and her little girl sharing a krispy kreme donut while out garage saleing

You may love to shop garage sales, or you may want to learn the secrets to garage saling and saving lots of money on household items, kid’s clothes and vintage home décor. BUT. You have kids. Can you do both? As a mom of a 2 and 4 year old, I am going to teach you how to shop garage sales with kids.